UTC: Ultrasound Tissue Characterization

What it and why should we use it?
It is an objective, operator-independent, highly reproducible way of assessing tendon and ligament structure. It is used extensively in human athletes with NFL and soccer teams (FC Barcelona, etc) routinely employing UTC to assess injury and monitor disease progression and rehabilitation. Although it is in widespread use in Europe, we were the first  in the USA to use this technology, and the only group to have critically researched it.  We consider use of the UTC a research tool and are offering this service to assist referring vets in the objective interpretation of their own ultrasound findings.
It is a relatively new technique, which improves our ability to characterize tendon by providing a 3-dimensional (3D) reconstruction. We can then calculate tendon fiber alignment by classifying the fibers into 1 of 4 echo types.

Additionally, it has the ability to objectively monitor tendon healing that regular ultrasound does not. Conventional ultrasonography has long been used to evaluate and monitor tendons and ligaments in the horse. However, inconsistencies in imaging, as well as the inability of 2D conventional ultrasound to fully decipher a 3D tendon structure have limited its usefulness as a predictor of injury and as a guide to rehabilitation. So, although regular ultrasound can tell us an injury is present, it has a hard time determining the level of healing of the tendon. This is where UTC may be able to help.
For the first time, using UTC, Dr Plevin and Dr McLellan’s research has allowed them to report a reference range of normal values for the superficial digital flexor tendons (SDFTs) in juvenile TBs in training. They are currently working on research to determine if UTC can reliably predict tendon injury in horses. This would be a game-changing breakthrough as tendon injury-prevention is always superior to injury rehab. ​Read the EVJ article below to learn more about this exciting new technology .

It is becoming widely accepted that objective ultrasound techniques are superior to traditional ultrasound during the rehab process.

When determining exercise protocols, regular ultrasound lacks the sensitivity provided by the UTC. With this technology we can determine, by comparing scans a month or so apart, if the injured tendon is handling the current workload appropriately and if we need to increase or decrease the level of exercise.

In such a way, for the first time, we are able to objectively monitor and guide tendon healing.

Click above for Dr Plevin's UTC article in European Trainer

Our years of pioneering, published research with this exciting science ensures we remain at the forefront of researching this cutting edge technology.


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London EC4M 7JN, GB

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Telemedicine and objective ultrasound for the Equine Athlete.

gallopvet.com is the trading name of Equine Sports Medicine Consultants, Ltd.  A UK registered Ltd company

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