We are proud to be one of the most prolific practice-based  publishers of peer-reviewed, original scientific research.  We are passionate about ensuring we provide evidence-based solutions to our clients and the best way to do that is to actively participate in publishing research.

Industry Publications
S. Plevin. Monitoring bowed tendons. Trainer Magazine. 2020 issue 71:48-52. <<READ HERE>>

S. Plevin. A Novel Tool for Tendon Injury Rehab. The Horse/AAEP Forum. April 2020 8.
S. Plevin. Ultrasound Tissue Characterization. The Practitioner, the Florida Association of Equine Practitioners’ equine-exclusive journal. Issue 3 2020: 20-25. 

S.Plevin. Evaluating airway function in horses: How well do vets agree? The Horse/AAEP forum. May 2019

Peer-reviewed Scientific Literature

Plevin, S., & McLellan, J. (2021). Comparison of ultrasonography and radiography with arthroscopy for diagnosis of dorsoproximal osteochondral fragmentation of the proximal phalanx in 56 Thoroughbred racehorses. Equine Veterinary Journal.

Guest Editorial: Clinical insights: Musculoskeletal injury in the racehorse: What is new? Plevin, McLellan EVJ Aug 2020  <<READ HERE>>

Ultrasound tissue characterization of the superficial digital flexor tendon in juvenile TB racehorses during early race training. Plevin; McLellan; Van Schie; Parkin. Equine Veterinary Journal: 2018  <<READ HERE >>

Use of bisphosphonates in the racehorse: Magic Bullet or Russian Roulette? AAEP 2018. McLellan J

Evaluation of videoendoscopic examinations of arytenoid function in the 2-year old TB: Can we all agree? McLellan; Plevin. Equine Veterinary Journal: 2018  <<READ HERE>>

Evaluation of videoendoscopic examinations of arytenoid function in the 2-year old TB: Can we all agree? AAEP 2018 Sarah Plevin

Editorial: Science-in-brief: Bisphosphonate use in the racehorse: Safe or unsafe? J. McLellan Equine Vet Journal Volume 49, Issue 4 July 2017 Pages 404–407 <<READ HERE>>

Pyrimethamine toxicosis in horses given a compounded medication R. MacKay, J. McLellan, M. Mallicote Equine Vet Ed. In Press 2017

Associations between sesamoiditis, subclinical suspensory branch change, and clinical injury in juvenile thoroughbreds . Plevin, S. McLellan, J Equine veterinary journal Nov 2015

Associations between sesamoiditis, subclinical suspensory branch change, and clinical injury in juvenile thoroughbreds. Plevin, S. McLellan, J AAEP proceedings Dec 2015

How to inject subchondral bone cysts of the medial femoral condyle in the standing horse. Plevin S, McLellan J. AAEP proceedings Dec 2014

Comparison of injury rates between 2-year-old Thoroughbreds trained for resale at auction and those trained solely to race. McLellan J, Plevin S, O'Keeffe T. AAEP proceedings Dec 2014

The effect of insertional suspensory branch desmopathy on racing performance in juvenile Thoroughbred racehorses. McLellan, J, Plevin, S. AAEP proceedings Dec 2013

Temporal release of growth factors from platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in the horse: A comparative in vitro analysis. J. McLellan and S. Plevin International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine 2014 (12) 1

Does prophylactic periosteal scraping of the third metacarpal bone reduce the incidence of ‘bucked shins’ in juvenile Thoroughbred racehorses? Plevin, S, McLellan, J. et al. Eq Vet J. DOI: 10.1111/evj.12197 2013

Injury of the origin of the gastrocnemius and superficial digital flexor muscles in a Thoroughbred racehorse: an atypical presentation of reciprocal apparatus failure. McLellan, J., Denoix, J-M. In press. Eq Vet Ed 2013

Do radiographic signs of sesamoiditis in Yearling Thoroughbreds predispose to the development of suspensory ligament branch injury? McLellan J, and Plevin, S Eq Vet J DOI:0.1111/evj.12154 2013

The effect of insertional suspensory branch desmitis on racing performance in juvenile Thoroughbred racehorses. Plevin, S, McLellan, J. Eq Vet J DOI: 10.1111/evj.12161 2013

Concurrent patellar fracture and lateral collateral ligament avulsion as a result of trauma in three horses McLellan, J., Plevin, S.,Taylor, E., J Am Vet Med Assoc May 15 2012 240(10): 1218-1222

Does it matter which platelet-rich plasma we use? McLellan, J., Plevin, .S. Eq Vet Ed Feb 2011 23(2) 101-104

Case Report: Comparison of radiography, ultrasonography, and scintigraphy in the diagnosis of patellar chondromalacia in a horse. McLellan, J., Plevin, S., et al EqVet Ed Dec 2009 2(12) 642-647

Comparison of the carbon 13-labelled octanoic acid breath test and ultrasonography for the assessment of gastric emptying of a semisolid meal in dogs. McLellan J. Wyse, C. et al. Am j vet Res 2004 Nov 65(11)1557-62

Effect of body size on gastric emptying using the 13C-octanoic acid breath test Yam, P. McLellan, J. et al. J Small Anim Pract 2004 Aug 45(8): 386-9

A review of methods for assessment of the rate of gastric emptying in the dog and cat: 1898-2002 Wyse, C. McLellan, J. et al. J Vet Int Med 2003 Sep-Oct; 17(5): 609-21

Comparison of 13C octanoic acid breath test and ultrasonography for assessing gastric emptying in dogs. McLellan J BSAVA proceedings 2002

Effect of body size on gastric emptying using the 13C-octanoic acid breath test. McLellan J BSAVA proceedings 2002

Use of ultrasonography for assessing gastric emptying in dogs. McLellan, J. BMUS (British Medical Ultrasound Society) poster abstract 2002 


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